Build Your Ritual


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Let’s do this!

Starting and staying consistent with a practice can be challenging in our modern day world. But we know, when we have rituals in our life, they create a sense of inner balance so no matter what is occurring around us, we can stay centered.

Remember, the name of the game is to practice, not be perfect.

Want to start a Meditation Practice?

When beginning a meditation practice, remind yourself we “go slow to go fast.” Start your practice with 2-minutes and you can increase the time commitment to the practice after you have built a consistent solid base with the ritual. Aim to practice your mindfulness meditation ritual 3 days or more a week so that you are building a consistent base that will create more momentum and results in your life.

Want to start a Mindful Movement Practice?

Don’t let your schedule or lack of energy hold you back from moving and being in your body. Any amount of intentional movement is a gift. Aim to practice your desired mindful movement ritual 3 days or more a week so that you are building a consistent base that will create more momentum and results in your life.

Want to start a Mindful Eating and Cooking practice?

Nourish your body with nutrients and energy that supports you feeling the way you want to feel. Eating and cooking offers an opportunity to pay attention to your mind, body, emotions and soul. Nourishing yourself gets to be an intentional practice that honors your body and your energy levels.

Explore ways to practice mindful eating and mindful cooking. For instance, you can build a mindful eating ritual before you eat your meals or a ritual in how you want to meal prep or cook in the kitchen. Aim to practice your nourishment ritual 3 days or more a week so that you are building a consistent base that will create more momentum and results in your life.

Want to start a journaling Practice?

Journaling is a powerful practice that helps us slow down time to tap-in and listen to our inner wisdom. Having a journaling practice is a great way to settle a busy mind and process emotions. Aim to practice your reflection ritual 3 days or more a week so that you are building a consistent base that will create more momentum and results in your life.